97072 Würzburg - Sanderau,
Danziger Straße 10, Germany.
Built 1989
For further information please click on the pictures with the coloured border!
Church of the Epiphany
Cape Coral, Florida U.S.A.
Built 1988
Hope Presbyterian Church
Winter Haven, Florida U.S.A.,
2110 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
Built 1987
Village Presbyterian Church
Tampa, Florida U.S.A.,
4115 West Fletcher Ave.
Built 1986
Krankenhauskirche "Maria Heil der Kranken"
97980 Bad Mergentheim, Germany.
Built 1986
St. Josefs Kirche
97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Built 1972
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Orlando, Florida U.S.A.,
1603 E. Winter Park Road
Built 1984
House Organ
Built 1978
Kath. Kirche
97947 Grünsfeld-Zimmern, Germany
Built 1977
Kapuzinerkloster Maria Hilf
97980 Bad Mergentheim, Germany
Built 1974
Kirche zur hl. Dreifaltigkeit
73760 Nellingen, Germany
Built 1985
Evang.-Luth. Kirche
97258 Hemmersheim, Germany
Built 1989
Evang. Kirche
96152 Gleißenberg, Germany
Built 1988
St. John's Episcopal Church
5987 Richmond Road
Warsaw, Virginia
Built 1987
St. Antonius
70437 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, Germany
Built 1979
Hausorgel Lois & John Mitchell
Orlando, Florida U.S.A.
Built 1985
St. Paul´s Episcopal Church
Mishawaka, Indiana U.S.A.
Built 1989
Kath. Kapelle
97980 Bad Mergentheim-Edelfingen, Germany
Built 1990